Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Thanks God, Emily has recovered faster then expected. She is still suffering from some soreness and pain but her range of motion has improved a lot already. Emily will be going to Belize with the team. Please pray for her, so she won't have too much pain flying down.

The weather forecast said there will be thunderstorm in Belize through out the week. Please continue to pray for good weather so the missionary work can go smooth.

As our team includes members from different cities, all members will meet up at Houston airport and fly down to Belize together. Please pray for our first meeting with the whole team together.

Please pray for each member's health. Also prepare everyone's heart as they step away from their busy life in US and serve together in Belize.

Please pray that everyone will go through custom smoothly.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Special Prayer Request

Please pray for one of our team member, Emily Ho. She and her husband had a car accident on Sunday Night (9/21). They ran into a car in an intersection as that car ran the red light. They both came out with no server injury. Emily is suffering some neck stiffness and soreness while her husband has some shoudler and chest pain from the seat belt. The Dr. recommended Emily to stay home for the week and rest. Please pray for her timely recovery. At this point, she does not know if she can still make it to Belize with the team next week. Please pray for her as she really wants to go.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Prayer Request

1/Thanks God, the Medical License has been granted by the Belize government.

2/May our Lord lead us and bestow us the wisdom to bring the medicines into Belize without any charges.

3/May God prepare the way that the local church leader may find a suitable pickup for towing the Mobile Clinic from a place 60 KM away.

4/Please pray for the spiritual and physical health of each team member.

5/May God bless us with good weather in Belize during the STM trip.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Our Team

Our Medical STM team includes 7 people from 3 different cities. Please pray for each of us.
From San Fransico, CA:
Dr. Abraham Law (MD)
Dr. Francis Chui (MD)
Dr. Kevin Chan (MD)
Alan Au (non-medical assistant)
From Portland, OR:
Emily Ho (Nurse)
Eva Wan (non-medical assistant)
From LA, CA:
Dr. Cheung Yuet Wa (Physician)

貝里斯短宣短片 by CCMUSA

This is the link to the video about CCM's ministry in Belize with commentary in Cantonese.


Please take a few mins to view the video and keep us in your prayer.

Our Destination---Belize

貝 里 斯 簡 介

貝里斯-這個中美洲小國,引起世界各國人的注目,還是近幾年來事情。 貝國有得天獨厚的自然美景和寬鬆的移民條件,最廣為國人熟知。其他迷 人之處,如氣候宜人、政治安定、民風純樸、重視人權、地廣人稀..., 她零污染的自然生態環境,令去過的人都留下深刻的印象,被譽為中美洲 的伊甸園。貝里斯位在中美洲尤加登半島得西南方,西北與墨西哥接壤西南和瓜地馬 拉相連,東部濱臨加勒比海,面積為台灣三分之二。境內氣候溫和,河渠 縱橫,大部分土地為熱帶雨林覆蓋,一切都還保持著原始特色,未受人為 污染。
貝國人口約二十萬,大部分人為拉丁人及東印度群島人,加上少數白人、印度人;中國人有二千人,大部分從事餐館 業,部分老華僑則經營五金、 轉口貿易業,經濟基礎較為雄厚。貝里斯是中美洲唯一以英語做為官方語言的國家,百分之六 十二的人說英語,在中美洲國家中政局最為穩定,自一九八一年獨立以來一直採用英國的政治制度,每五年選舉一次,執政黨即為該國眾議院的多數黨,政治的運作十分理性,人民基本權利受到充份尊重。

貝里斯的美,最值得推荐還是她東 面的加勒比海長達750公里寬35公里的珊瑚礁床。海床上的海水甚淺,呈淺藍色,與遠處的深藍海水有一道明顯的分水嶺。海中小島星羅棋佈,島上高高的椰子樹隨風搖 曳,海灘細沙輕滑柔軟,海鳥悠閒 地空中飛翔,真是一幅熱帶情調的美景。每年從各地前來渡假的人絡驛不絕,給貝國帶來為數可觀的外匯。
在教育方面貝里斯有百分之九十三的人民受過教育,國民知識程度是中美洲之冠,境內教育發達,小學遍佈各地,中學由政府與教會辦理,設於貝里斯市的 St.Catherine 學校有一百多年的歷史,教學嚴謹,有許多華人學生在此校就讀。另有貝里斯大學及東印度大學貝里斯分校等。
移民貝里斯風潮,最高峰時,台灣移民接近一萬人,目前只剩近二千人。中國大陸人在貝里斯大約6,000人,很能吃苦,都很有成就,子女在世界最好的青少年求學環境,學好英西雙語,令家長十分有信心。多數開小雜貨店兼賣飲食, 超過300家,月收入2000美元以上,大家都開創了一片天地,目前已經發展成連鎖店,從大陸進口工業產品,大家分配銷售。