Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Oct 2nd

It was another slow day; we had a total of 22 patients only. We weren’t able to have in depth sharing with the patients as they usually come as family with little kids running around or in bigger group where they carry their own conversations. There weren’t any accepted Christ today. As there were only few patients, half of the team went out to visit local families in the afternoon. Dr. Chan, Dr. Chui and Emily went to visit a few Sunday school kids’ families with Fred, one of the GB from the local church. After dinner, we hosted our first seminar on Hepatitis by Dr. Law, and GI illnesses by Dr. Chui. There were less then 20 people attended while most are from the church.

Today started with some disappointment, but by God’s grace, we gained a lot from the sharing among us. Some of us see our weakness in sharing gospel. We realize that it takes training and practices to be able to share gospel through our day to day conversation.

The 3 that went to visit families had lots of thoughts and reflection, too. We really need to pray for the Chinese families in Belize City, as most of them lives in great fear. Children are “jailed” in their home; generation gap and language barrier between parents and children is a great problem also. Another concern for the Chinese families is that there’s no Cantonese speaking doctor in Belize City. Most people find the local doctor not trust worthy either. Most of the time, they do not address their health issues in time, and do not get the necessary treatments needed. They just wait till they go back to China to have check up and try to get medications. We learnt so much about the problems these people face living in Belize City and it helped us to appreciate our lives a lot more.

Thanks God for protecting the meds. The trailor has a bad leak in the pharmacy corner. After the over night rain storm, lot's of the meds was soaked in water. Luckily, only the paper boxes were soaked, all the meds that got wet are protected inside the plastic bottle. The paper packaged meds were not by the window.

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